We get it, there’s no one size fits all.

That’s why we haven’t concentrated on just one sustainable cool chain solution. We find out what’s important to you and your customers, and deliver on that.

Sustainability is more than just a buzz word.

Sustainability at a global level is unfortunately a highly contentious topic, and has different meanings for different people. Whether its recyclable materials, compostable, reusable, paper based or plastic; companies and researchers globally are continually providing new perspectives and a fresh lens on the wider impacts of certain materials. Thermogard believes the best way for us to positively drive sustainability in our global marketplace, is to provide education to our customers, to give our customers what they need, to make sustainability their decision.

Wool Felt

Wool Felt

Thermogard Wool liners are made of sheep’s wool, and are 100% natural fibres. Wool is a natural insulator, providing many benefits to your cold chain packaging solution. Our liners are wrapped in a 100% commercially and home compostable film or a soft plastics recyclable film. This means that once you are ready to dispose of your wool liner, you can simply bury in your backyard, use in your vegetable garden or add to your worm farm, or if the soft plastic version, be dropped off at your nearest soft plastics bin at your nearest participating supermarket.

Why Wool Felt?

100% natural and compostable

Returns valuable nutrients to the soil when composted at home or in landfill

Superior performance when compared to polystyrene

Uses by-product that would otherwise go to waste

Why Not Wool Felt?

Difficult to recycle at end of life

Relies on animal wool resource

Can be odourous and make the shipper smell

Depletes natural resources when created as it comes from an animal



Paper is widely viewed as the environmentally friendly packaging alternative. Paper is highly recyclable and can be recycled many times. However, a lot of energy and resources are used in the production of paper. Implementing paper in your packaging will instantly get you wins with your customers, but…. is it always the right thing?

Why Paper?

Kerbside Recyclable in most global regions

Consumer perception is that paper is more ‘environmentally friendly’

Generally biodegradable

Why Not Paper?

Manufacturing requires 4 times more water, and generates 3 times more greenhouse gases than plastic

20% less reuse rate than plastic

It would take 7 trucks to transport the equivalent of 1 truck of plastic



To quote the World Economic Forum; Humanity’s relationship with plastic is rather schizophrenic! Without it, our lives wouldn’t be the same. However plastic is widely viewed as the evil pollutant. Studies widely show that the product itself is not the problem, it’s what we as humans do with it. In using plastic, the best we can do is educate our customers on how to recycle, and encourage them to do it.

Why Plastic?

Plastic in cool chain is generally soft plastic, which is recyclable

Manufacturing and transporting plastic has an overall less environmental impact than paper

Waterproof and water resistant

Flexible and easily printable

90% of the world’s ocean pollution comes from 8 rivers in Asia and 2 in Africa. Developed nations have reasonable plastic waste control

Why Not Plastic?

Difficult to recycle, and generally not kerbside recyclable

Very poor consumer perception

Can take 100’s to 1000’s of years to break down

Research shows micro plastics (very small pieces of plastic) are entering waterways

Ocean plastics affect wildlife. It is expected by 2050 there will be more ocean plastic than sea life

Recyclable vs Biodegradable Plastic

Confronting images of the devastating impact plastic pollution has on our oceans and waterways are all too common in the media. There’s no doubt that plastic contamination is a major global problem.

Products that work with you.

Thermogard transits millions of items at the correct temperature.

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